The Trip to Stuttgart

I love you my Stuttgart. I want to watch the silky islands
flow by like rocks on a pubble with you by my side. I want to see you eat the
grapes from my had as I look upon your beuatifyl face and think to myself,
"''I've got it made here with my darling."'' 
Stuttgart my love for you runs deep inside me like clouds.  Think back on times we had and now here I
stand.  Lost int hose memories, goodbye,
so long, adieuuuuuuuu.
Once I had a dream, and in that
dream I found myself at my computer waiting for you.  I opened my favorite coding software, I won't
tell you what it was, that would spoil, the suprise.  I cracked my fingers on the board and got to
work programming my dream of you Stuttgart. 
I made you.  They laughed and told
me that you weren't real but I knew you were all along.  Stuttgart my love, remember the time we
laughed together?  Remember the time we
walked down the side of the park-road-plaza and laughed?  Remember the time your AI went ape-sh*t and
infiltrated the pentagon?  No.
They took you from me
Stuttgart.  That damn communist
government took you from me.  I just
wanted to touch your face one last time. 
I remember that time we spent together. 
I  ran my finger down your back
and said, "You like that don't you?" 
You said nothing, because you're a city in Germany.  "You know how much I like to touch that
curve in your back.  It makes me so
I can't forgive myself.  I won't forgive myself.  PLEASE TAKE ME WITH HER!  I WANT YOU! 
I can't live without my Stuttgart. 
My parents were really freaked out the whole time I was there.  That's where I got this multiple personality
syndrome.  One side of me retells facts
from the past, and one side personifies a country in a very creepy and
disturbing way.  This should be a legit
creepypasta.  I love myself.  I am the greatest writer that has ever eaten
a human foot.
Stuttgart, I hope you forgive me
for what I have done.  I can't frogive
mesef.  I can't forgivs mydfeslf.  I sanf fortgiave myasdiles. I
Project memory lost.  Reboot? Y/N
Process complete
"Colonel Marks?  This is Colonel Sanders.  We need to reconstruct the Stuttgart program
in a new way."
"Yes, the brain of the
programmer will be useful in many ways."
"I can't believe that
there's an upside to that pentagon AI raid."
"There is, this new
Stuttgart AI is the greatest military weapon the world has ever known, but
there's a problem."
"What's the problem?"
"Whenever the man recalls
his guilt we lose his conciousness."
"I am his
"We am the man"
"The man in the
"We see you when you're
"We know when you're
"We know when you've been
bad or good so be good for Christmas sake."
"Sake is actually a very
tasty drink."
***  Three months later
oh the Stuttgart.  Never even it's
DNA.  I can't stand the pain
anymore.  Damn the neo world, what about
me?  What about my needs?  Stuttgart, I'm sorry but you're just a faint
memory now.  I have been dishonored.  My famury needsu me!  I must avenge my baka-kun father's death
kawaii desu!  Stuttgart I will be with
you in heaven.
>Band of
adventurers reaches final boss
wansn't that completely new and fresh? 
Who am I you ask?  Why I am
you?  From the future?  Future yes!
You see we
aren't done yet, there was one more incident of abduction at the 16790 wrold's
are we here Stuttgart?"  Abducted.